14 — 15 October 2013
KPI-Motivation. System of resultbased paymentKPI-Motivation. System of resultbased payment
Ukraine, Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 3,330
from UAH 300
10 October 2013
EBA Evening: "Bienvenidos a la Argentina"EBA Evening: "Bienvenidos a la Argentina"
Alfavito hotel, Kyiv, Ukraine
27 September 2013
Regional conference in the field of event - marketing "Internal Regional conference in the field of event - marketing "Internal communications - with whom, how and why?"
ресторан Мафия, Dnipro, Ukraine
UAH 60
26 — 27 September 2013
Business Wisdom Summit 2013Business Wisdom Summit 2013
Cosmopolite Congress hall, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 4,000
7 June 2013
HR Wisdom SummitHR Wisdom Summit
«Оpera» Hotel, 1 floor, Symphonia Grand Hall, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 2,500
21 May 2013
VII International Conference on CSRVII International Conference on CSR
Premier Palace, Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 2,000
30 April 2013
Как заработать 1500 долл за один вечерКак заработать 1500 долл за один вечер
Отель Ривьера, Киев, сагайдачного 15, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 400