5 October 2019
A luxury masterclass for sales and the launch of a new premium A luxury masterclass for sales and the launch of a new premium Distillery brand
Business Hotel Marlin Hotel 4*, Odesa, Ukraine
UAH 500
3 October 2019
І Ukrainian conference "Dentistry and aesthetic medicine. І Ukrainian conference "Dentistry and aesthetic medicine. Interdisciplinary Synergy in Face Aesthetics »
МВЦ, пр-т Броварский, 15, м.Київ, Україна, 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 1,100
2 October 2019
Aesthetic gynecology: beauty or functionality?Aesthetic gynecology: beauty or functionality?
МВЦ, пр-т Броварский, 15, м.Київ, Україна, 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 550
1 — 2 October 2019
Medical assistance according to NATO and EU standardsMedical assistance according to NATO and EU standards
МВЦ, пр-т Броварский, 15, м.Київ, Україна, 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 880
from UAH 500
30 September 2019
BrainHub's "What? Where? When?"BrainHub's "What? Where? When?"
Пивоварня "Шульц", Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 80
28 — 29 September 2019
September 28-29, Show-program "The World of Horses"September 28-29, Show-program "The World of Horses"
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 80