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20 — 21 February 2020
Management course in the style of coaching "Megatrends 2030. A new Management course in the style of coaching "Megatrends 2030. A new role for the leader of the future"
Soft Work, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 4,900
15 February 2020
Psychological quest ''Anamnesis''Psychological quest ''Anamnesis''
ПеремогаSpace, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 400
29 September 2019
Як розпочати особисту практику медитації mindfulness?Як розпочати особисту практику медитації mindfulness?
UAH 1,000
23 — 24 March 2019
II STEP - Laboratory «Archetypes and Shadows» in Cyprus.II STEP - Laboratory «Archetypes and Shadows» in Cyprus.
Перволия, Ларнака, Кипр, Perivolia, Cyprus
8 — 11 November 2018
Energetic program of Donny EpsteinEnergetic program of Donny Epstein
Malta, Mgarr, Malta
9 July — 9 September 2018
Russian Seekers with Carin RoesenerRussian Seekers with Carin Roesener
30 March 2018
Радислав Гандапас "SMM: самоменеджмент и самомотивация"Радислав Гандапас "SMM: самоменеджмент и самомотивация"
Lviv, L'viv, Ukraine
from $220