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16 October 2020
Workshop in the Dnieper- Real Estate Investments in TurkeyWorkshop in the Dnieper- Real Estate Investments in Turkey
Cultural center "Minor", conference hall meeting room Wool. Sholom Aleichem, 4/26, Dnipro, Ukraine
14 October 2020
Workshop in Kharkov - Real Estate Investments in TurkeyWorkshop in Kharkov - Real Estate Investments in Turkey
Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv Ave. Nezalezhnostі, 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine
12 October 2020
Workshop in Kiev - Real Estate Investments in TurkeyWorkshop in Kiev - Real Estate Investments in Turkey
Kiev, Bolsunovskaya St., 13-15 IQ Business Center, Kyiv, Ukraine
9 October 2020
Workshop in Odessa - Real Estate Investments in TurkeyWorkshop in Odessa - Real Estate Investments in Turkey
Odessa, st. Lanzheronovskaya, 13 / 1.hotel Mozart, conference hall Greek, Odesa, Ukraine
15 February 2017
Irina Erkan: Design like business. How to market designIrina Erkan: Design like business. How to market design
UNDERHUB, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 165
21 December 2016
Mykola Kovalchuk: Why do we need new fonts?Mykola Kovalchuk: Why do we need new fonts?
UNDERHUB, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 165