18 — 21 November 2013
Tactfully of the unseenTactfully of the unseen
«Дом полит просвещения», Dnipro, Ukraine
UAH 400
24 — 25 October 2013
PechaKuchaNight vol.7 IT::StartUpPechaKuchaNight vol.7 IT::StartUp
I business incubator and coworking hub, Dnipro, Ukraine
from UAH 120
27 September 2013
Regional conference in the field of event - marketing "Internal Regional conference in the field of event - marketing "Internal communications - with whom, how and why?"
ресторан Мафия, Dnipro, Ukraine
UAH 60
8 June 2013
«British education»«British education»
Дворец студентов ДНУ (Потемкинский), Dnipro, Ukraine