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1 April 2017
Public Speaking: conflict situationsPublic Speaking: conflict situations
UNDERHUB, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 165
1 April 2017
How to develop the leadership skills and influence on people?How to develop the leadership skills and influence on people?
Conference hall "Leda", Dnipro Hotel 1/2 Khreshchatyk St., Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine
31 January 2016 — 31 March 2017
Интернет-школа подготовки тренеров по методике А.Свияша для Центра Интернет-школа подготовки тренеров по методике А.Свияша для Центра Разумный путь.
21 March 2017
Lady and Gentlemen. Communication between Men and WomenLady and Gentlemen. Communication between Men and Women
Freud House, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 150
18 March 2017
Public speaking: voice and gesturesPublic speaking: voice and gestures
UNDERHUB, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 165
18 March 2017
Loving yourself. This beautiful state of mind and how to reach itLoving yourself. This beautiful state of mind and how to reach it
Freud House, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 150
16 March 2017
How to make people listen to you and hear you?How to make people listen to you and hear you?
Freud House, Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 200