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3 — 4 February 2015

Legal entities: modernization of the legislationLegal entities: modernization of the legislation

Конгресс-отель "Альфа" Измайлово, Moscow, Russia
from RUB 15,100
2 February 2015

VAT-2015:the new rules,the practice of calculations and paymentVAT-2015:the new rules,the practice of calculations and payment

Конгресс-отель "Альфа" Измайлово, Moscow, Russia
from RUB 12,800
23 — 24 January 2015

Overcoming difficulties fateOvercoming difficulties fate

Пироговская наб., д. 5/2, Отель "Санкт-Петербург", Концертный зал (ст.м. Площадь Ленина)., Saint Petersburg, Russia
from RUB 1,000
20 December 2014

Why would God our suffering?Why would God our suffering?

ДК "Железнодорожников", 2 этаж, Большой Зал, Saint Petersburg, Russia
from RUB 600
6 December 2014

Бизнес-семинар Craft StartupБизнес-семинар Craft Startup

КВЦ "Сокольники" павильо №4.2, Moscow, Russia
RUB 1,500
6 December 2014

Management and producing bandsManagement and producing bands

Рок Академия Москворечье, Moscow, Russia
from RUB 2,000

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