12 August 2020
Нерейтинговый SoundBattle LiteНерейтинговый SoundBattle Lite
Пивоварня "Шульц", Kyiv, Ukraine
UAH 480
9 August 2020
Conference "European Development of Hemp and Cannabis Culture@Conference "European Development of Hemp and Cannabis Culture@
Конференц-зал "OCTOBER HALL", Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 350
8 — 9 August 2020
August 08-09, Equestrian-historical festival "The Bylinas of Ancient August 08-09, Equestrian-historical festival "The Bylinas of Ancient Kiev"
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 80
1 — 2 August 2020
August 01-02, Weekend tour "The World of Horses"August 01-02, Weekend tour "The World of Horses"
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus, Kyiv, Ukraine
from UAH 80